Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ethics: Where Professional and Personal Beliefs Collide

            As long as I can remember I have heard you keep your personal and professional lives separate. But when it comes to ethics, that line blurs. Ethics is an individual’s system of moral principles. In the interior design industry, ethics is always on everyone’s mind. Ethics affects everything from what projects you choose to what happens to extra materials at the end of a project and everything in-between.
            To design a space, the designer has to put themselves in the shoes of the user. Sometimes designers cannot ethically do this. Some designers may have issues designing spaces like strip clubs, abortion clinics, particular religious churches, certain type of night clubs, etc. and some won’t have a problem with it. Even if your ethics don’t conflict with these projects, future clients may not want your services because of it. Your projects are a reflection of you.
            Ethics is so much more than just the jobs you choose. Do you give your client the extra materials or sell it? Do you take that moonlighting job even though it’s not allowed your contract? Do you take those incentives from a rep for specing their product? Do you spec that cheaper, unsafe flooring to save money? None of these things are illegal just unethical. If you have to question how something will affect how you sleep at night, you just shouldn’t do it. Always think ethically and responsibly.


  1. Couldn't agree more with your post. I've heard many times that you shouldn't mix personal and professional lives, but it's very important to have a balance in both to an extent. And I love that you included that one would have to be in the client's shoes, some designers always forget to look at it in perspective.

  2. I completely agree with you and its true that ethics does step into a designers personal and professional life and when a designer does a project it reflect on them.

  3. Yes ma'am! Personal and professional lives should be kept separate, I couldn't agree more. I thought your addition of the cartoon was smart and cute and most certainly gets the point across. Always things ethically and responsibly!

  4. I couldn't agree more. As a professional we as designer always have to take into consideration our client, and when in doubt of a job, don’t take it. When in doubt about what to do always do what morally feels right and you would never be ethically wrong.
